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Register Forgot password?
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Forget Password
Source: | Author:wd-shops-64 | Published time: 2016-10-30 | 734 Views | Share:

Forget the Password? 

Don't worry, the password retrieve service is provided online,  just click " forget the password" and follow the instructions of the guidance.


1、Click the "Forget password?".  

2、Fill the E-mail registered and the verification code.                        

3、The Password Reset E-mail will be sent to your E-mail address.               

4、Login your E-mail and reset the password.              

5、Set new password.                                                   


In order to secure the information safty of the customer,  only the online password retrieve service is available.  If you forget the E-mail for loging or can not use the E-mail for loging, please register a new ID.