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  • Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
    Taxi Topper Sign
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  • Taxi Topper Sign

    Taxi Topper Sign A

    • U.S.$1910.00
    • Satisfaction:

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      Review: 0

    • Quantity:
    • (Inventory: 20)

Taxi Topper Sign A

Product ModelTRS-A 2.5TRS-A 3.3TRS-A 5
Pixel Pitch (mm)
LED Type
Pixel density (dot/sqm)
Brightness (NIT)
Grey scale (bit)
Refresh rate (HZ)≥5,120≥5,120≥5,120
Product Dimension (W x H x D)1,010mm x 386mm x 139mm
Screen visual size960mm x 320mm
Screen resolution
384 dots x 128 dots288 dots x 96 dots192 dots x 64 dots
Working temperature-30-80℃
Storage temperature10-30℃
Max power consumption (watts)420-450
Average power consumption (watts)126-150
Life time (hours)10,000
IP level
Weight (kg)1615.515

With WishNW Control System, you can do:

A.  Precisely Control.

Any specific sign can be controlled individally.

B.  Regional Control.

The signs in a specified region can be controlled regionally.

C.  Cluster Control and Group Control.

The signs can be clustered to be controlled also the regionally specified signs can be grouped.

After the installation, how to get the sign work ?

A.   Sign Accessing

Step1:   Make sure the AP Wifi switch of control board is "On". (it is a default set)

Step2:   Use PC, Laptop, Mobile phone to search the equipment. (WIFI series number such as "e30-521-40080" )

Step3:   Input password "12345678".

Step4:   Click the "connect".

B.   Enter parameter setting interface

Step1:   Open the Internet Explorer and input the " card"

Step2:   Click the parametersetting tag.

Step3:   Input password "888", and enter the interface of parameter setting.

C.   Login in the operation platform and do the registeration

D.   Click "System network server configuration" on the parameter setting interface and do as above show.

E.   Config the APN

F.   Login the platform and play

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